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Regional Development Company

RDC WangarattaFacilitation

Murray Darling Basin
Authority (MDBA)

Water Craft Strategy

RDC facilitated a forum of approximately 50 people representing river management, stakeholders and interested parties to assist with understanding the complex social, physical and environmental issues particularly associated with high powered water craft in the reach of the River Murray from Hume Dam to Swan Hill. High powered craft on the river is a highly controversial and potentially inflammatory topic for many on the Murray. Passions were high on both sides – those who want to use the river for recreation purposes of this type, and a range of other users/interest groups (including more passive recreation users, environmentalists, affected landholders, local government, marine safety authorities etc). The way in which the forum was designed had significant bearing on the way in which people were engaged and reacted. Forum outcomes were used to help inform a balanced and appropriate management strategy.

Mansfield Shire Council

EarthCheck Program

RDC facilitated community information sessions followed by extensive community consultation to engage and empower the community to actively participate in the EarthCheck Sustainable Communities Program for the Mansfield Shire Council. The EarthCheck project aims to empower the community to act together to achieve positive environmental outcomes through providing education about the impacts of daily living, activities and resource use and how to go about reducing environmental impacts. RDC conducted community information and education sessions followed by extensive community consultation activities across the shire to engage and empower the community to actively participate in the EarthCheck Sustainable Communities Program to enable council to complete the initial benchmarking process towards EarthCheck accreditation.


South East Water

Community Relations Insight

Facilitation of a series of workshops to understand community perceptions and knowledge of South East Water including understanding the effectiveness of existing engagement/communication with the community from the perspective of both the community and South East Water, determining the needs and wants of South East Water’s community, providing a series of recommendations to support the South East Water Community Relations Plan and strategic priorities, and providing the basis for ongoing monitoring of the effectiveness of South East Water’s Community relations program.

Department of
Sustainability and Environment (DSE)

Direction Statement

Facilitation and development of the Loddon Mallee Regional Sustainability Direction Statement for the DSE Integrated Regional Sustainability Program.


Mansfield Shire Council

Goulburn Broken High Country Rail Trail

Facilitation of a number of meetings and focus groups to determine the governance structure for the Goulburn Broken High Country Rail Trail.

Murray Catchment
Management Authority

Environmental Water Allocation

Facilitation of scientific and technical advisory panel to discuss and analyse the effectiveness and outcomes of the 2005-2006 Environmental Water Allocation for the Barmah/Millewa Icon Site and to identify improvements for incorporation into the Icon Site Environmental Management Plan.


Department of
Primary Industry (DPI)

Equine Influenza Response

Facilitation of a debrief for staff involved in the Equine Influenza response. The workshops identified key recommendations and key areas for improvement for emergency response and recovery programs. The workshops involved key regional DPI staff and managers in 2008.

Department of Planning and Community
Development (DPCD)

Capability Review

Facilitation of numerous workshops to undertake a Capability Review for Bushfire Affected Local Government Authorities (10 most affected LGAs), and followed by development of a Professional Development Implementation Strategy. This involved extensive workshops, interviews, research and report documentation.